Our Classrooms
Learn more about each of our classrooms below to find the best option for your child.
Infant to Toddler
The Learning Center has options when it comes to caring for our youngest learners. Infants can begin in our classrooms at 6-weeks of age.
Our infant classrooms help to develop motor skills, muscle-building, and social skills in a small setting. Learning through play is done at every opportunity and the infants receive the nurturing they need to begin a lifetime of learning. Parents can begin the enrollment process before the child is born by contacting Nicole Recker at 610-438-9437.

The Infant Toddler Contracted Slots (ITCS)
The Infant Toddler Contracted Slots (ITCS) program is a high-quality, state-funded program that is free to income-eligible families for infants up to age 3. Children learn in a caring and engaging environment with individualized lesson plans for the whole child. Families must be income-eligible and have to apply to the Child Care Works program. Once approved by Child Care Works, families can apply for the program at Third Street Alliance.
Families remain eligible for this program while the child is under three years old. Families re-apply for the Child Care Works program 6 months before the child’s 3rd birthday. At that time, families can choose to continue with the CCW funding, switch to the free Pre-K Counts program once they are age-eligible, or move to private pay if the household income has increased above the threshold.
Toddler to Pre-K
The Toddler, Pre-School and K-Ready classrooms at The Learning Center include:
- Early literacy and mathematics in every classroom.
- All students are provided healthy food for breakfast, lunch and snack based on the USDA guidelines, prepared on-site by a licensed cook and provided at no extra cost.
- Children have daily access to our indoor gymnasium and outdoor play yard.
- Toilet training in the Toddler classroom.
- We work closely with Easton Area School District teachers to ensure the success of our students when they transition into kindergarten.

We are licensed by the state of Pennsylvania
The Learning Center is licensed by the state of Pennsylvania, and holds a PA Keystone STAR Four rating – a true mark of distinction for child care! For more information on these merits, and what it means for your child, please visit the website of PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning. If you have questions, contact The Learning Center Director, Nicole Recker, at nrecker@thirdstreetalliance.org or call 610-438-9437.
Pre-K Counts
Pre-K Counts at Third Street Alliance provides free, quality early childhood education for children ages 3, 4, and 5 before Kindergarten through the Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts program. This program is designed for children who:
- Are age 3 and younger than the entry age for kindergarten.
- Live in a household earning up to 300% of the poverty level, such as a family of four earning $90,000. (Income levels can be found here).
- May learn English as a second language, have developmental delays, or other risk factors that may make success in school more challenging.

If your child falls into these categories, you may be eligible to apply! To learn more about the program and to be considered for enrollment, complete this interest form:
For more information, email Annamaria Mollica, Family Engagement Partner, at AMollica@ThirdStreetAlliance.
School Age Child Care (SACC)
Our before-and-after school program at The Learning Center offers school-aged child care for children up to age 13. SACC offers a fun learning environment that enhances what children learn in school. Our teachers provide a creative atmosphere for students to continue learning after the last school bell has rung. SACC offers:
- Homework assistance provided by classroom teachers and Lafayette College students.
- Transportation arranged with our agency vans to Cheston, Paxinosa, and Wilson Borough Elementary Schools.
- Bus stops within walking distance for March Elementary and Easton Area Middle School students.
- Programs offered by Shanthi Project, Da Vinci Center, and others through the year.
- Access to our S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Lab.

To Enroll please click the button below to fill out the form:
You can also contact Nicole Recker Director of The Learning Center at 610-438-9437 or by email: NRecker@thirdstreetalliance.org. The Learning Center is licensed by the state of Pennsylvania, and holds a PA Keystone STAR Four rating – a true mark of distinction for child care! For more information on these merits, and what it means for your child, please visit the PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning.
Summer School Age Child Care
The School-Age Summer program is packed with fun activities and field trips as students continue to focus on math, science, and literacy skills. Some of the exciting trips include the Crayola Experience, local zoos, parks, DaVinci Science Center, Aura Ceramics, and Touchstone Theatre! In between learning and fun, students are provided a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack.

Join us. We have the classrooms for you!
Our programs help instill a love of learning and discovery at even the youngest age.